J S Fforde Portrait 10/- B311 M80 Very Last Prefix Unc

In 1971 the Bank of England stopped issuing the 10 shilling note when a new 50 pence coin was introduced. As a denomination it has been introduced in 1928 and just 43 years later vanished from circulation. The last Chief Cashier to sign the 10 shilling note denomination was J S Fforde. During that time we know replacement notes were produced with the M prefix. The very last of these replacement notes had the prefix M80 (B311) They are tough to find in any grade and missing from a lot of collections. In Uncirculated finding them is even tougher.
Availability: In stock
SKU: BEB4658

J S Fforde£1 Red Brown Portrait B311 Replacement M80 Very last Unc and scarce

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