Genghis Khan Coin Package Grade 2

These are original and genuine copper coins of Genghis Khan 1162-1227. They came in our unique full colour information folder. There is an elephant on one side and arabic writing on the other side. We normally sell them for £14.95, especially considering their age and packaging. Phil took a look our stock and said, ‘while all of the coins are real, some of them are just too worn or off centre to sell for our normal price!’. OK Phil talked and Richard eventually listened, here is the story… These are the original Genghis Khan coins, in the full colour package, but the coin will have seen considerable wear, so we will call them grade 2. We don’t know how many we have. We will let Phil sort them properly. But our price on grade 2 Genghis Khan coins is not £14.95 but only £6.95 while they last. The make great holiday gifts, think of the age...
Availability: In stock
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