Constantius Gallus Bronze Coin in Fine

Continuing our series of the famous Constantinian Dynasty we offer Constantius Gallus, the tyrannical nephew of Constantine I. Born in Etruria around A.D. 325 Gallus was sickly, saving him in A.D. 337 from the purges by the sons of Constantine I. By A.D. 351 Constantius II was ruling alone and needed support. He raised his cousin Gallus to the rank of Caesar, gave him the name Constantius and appointed him governor over the Eastern provinces of the Roman Empire. But Gallus was not fit for the job. He was so tyrannical and brutal that the local citizens were forced to complain directly to Constantius II to avoid retribution. Constantius recalled Gallus to Italy, had him arrested on the journey, tried and executed in AD 354! As he only reigned three years Gallus is the hardest to find of all the Constantinian ruling dynasty. These coins offered here in Fine, show a soldier spearing a fallen horseman on the reverse with a profile bust of Constantius Gallus on the obverse. Gallus will be missing from many collections and our supplies are very limited, do not miss out!
Availability: In stock
SKU: ARC0097