British Armed Forces Spec Numbers First/Last Matched Numbers (set of 22 notes)

Some 25 years ago we purchased a huge lot of British Military Notes- some 17 million pieces. One of our members made up sets of the first 1000 notes printed of each prefix in the lot. It took him ages to get these sets together. There were a total of 11 notes all with the same serial number , 4 £1 notes of which 3 are different types, 3 decimal 50 pence notes and 4 decimal 10 pence notes. Searching through our store room we found these collections and the matching 11 notes printed from the last 1000 notes printed from the same prefixes e.g 000425 and 999425. These sets of 22 different uncirculated notes originally sold for £300 a set. These numbered sets are bargain for this price!
Availability: In stock
SKU: BMB3275
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Pound Type Set EF/Unc

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Picture of Blue/Pink Wartime £1 (B249) AU/Unc

Blue/Pink Wartime £1 (B249) AU/Unc

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Picture of Greece, 1000 Drachma, 1939. VF Condition

Greece, 1000 Drachma, 1939. VF Condition

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