Aurelian Antoninianus EF

On the death of Claudius II in A.D. 270 Aurelian was declared emperor by his troops and his reputation alone defeated his rival, Quintillus. His industrious five year reign saw the defeat of the rebellious ‘Palmyrene Empire’ in the East and the breakaway ‘Gallic Empire’ in the West, restoring the Roman Empire. He also reformed the coinage, improved food distribution and began construction of a great defensive wall around the city of Rome which still stands today. Sadly, he was killed by short-sighted army officers in A.D. 275, imagine what he could have achieved! We offer Billon Antoninianus of Aurelian in Extremely Fine, showing his radiate bust on the obverse and with various reverses. These sold out last time we ran them, Aurelian has become very popular in the last few years as his reign is re-evaluated, do not miss out!
Availability: In stock
SKU: ARA0061
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Diocletian Bronze Antoninianus Fine

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Picture of Gadhaiya Paisa

Gadhaiya Paisa

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Valens A.D. 364-378. Bronze Coin (GLORIA ROMANORVM) Very Fine

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