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  • Monarch: Elizabeth II 1952 - 2022
Elizabeth II, £5 Prince Charles '50th Birthday' Cupro-Nickel 1998 Unc _obv

Elizabeth II, £5 Prince Charles '50th Birthday' Cupro-Nickel 1998 Unc

In 1998 the Royal Mint honoured Prince Charles’s 50th birthday with a rather handsome £5 piece. It has Prince Charles on one side and his Mother – Elizabeth II on the other side. For some reason this coin has a very low mintage, perhaps it was the economy at the time. But for whatever reason the mintage was low and it is not easy to get. You have the dates 1948-1998 with the Prince of Wales and his Mother. They are struck in cupro-nickel and the face value is £5.00. Get them while you can, a coin missing from many collections of £5 pieces, don’t let your collection be incomplete.
£19.95 £10.95
Picture of Elizabeth II, 10 Pence (Large & Small) 1992 Proof Sterling Silver Pair

Elizabeth II, 10 Pence (Large & Small) 1992 Proof Sterling Silver Pair

Both large and small 10p Sterling silver proofs in Royal Mint case of issue.
£39.50 £32.50