We currently offer a wide range of exclusive deals for you to take advantage of. However, please be aware that the prices are subject to change without prior notice. Don't miss out on the opportunity to snag a great deal while supplies last. Some of these items are selling fast at these discounted prices, and there is limited stock available for certain products. This could be your last chance to purchase them.
In 2003 the tiny island of St. Helena authorised a very small number of proof sterling silver crownsized 50 Pence pieces to be struck. They were for the 50th anniversary of the Coronation and have the Queen on both sides. we don’t know how many were made but we had never seen one before and knowing who had them made, we would guess very few. We think you will find this crown pleasing in design, and very pleasing in both the low mintage and the low price, especially considering what the mints charge today.
When the Royal Wedding of Charles & Camilla took place in 2005, it was kept as a very low key affair. Now some 16 years later we discover that not one, but two different Silver Proof crowns were issued to honour the event. Issued in VERY limited quantities! This St. Helena issue has a mintage of just 100 pieces in Sterling Silver. Overlooked by collectors because they were not publicised and unknown until now. We purchased the entire mintage of these Sterling Silver Proof crowns. Because the coins have the Queen’s portrait on them, these crowns had to be officially sanctioned by the Palace. Unknown until now, these silver proof crowns portray our next King and Queen. Add them to your collection while you still have the chance. Mintage is just 100...
In 1973 the Royal Mint issued the first-ever Silver Proof Crown for the island of St. Helena. St. Helena is best known as the island where Napoleon lived in exile and where he died. It was very popular with sailing ships as a place to replenish both the fuel and their supplies. This first Sterling Silver Proof Crown has one of those sailing ships on it and of course the Queen on the obverse. Each crown comes in the official Royal Mint case and is now almost 50 years old.
With the Olympics postponed until next year, the interest in older Olympic issues will increase. Yes, some countries will be issuing Olympic coins, but their prices will be very high. Mints worldwide are charging more and more for their coins and, of course, the price of silver has almost doubled. So we looked through our inventory to see what we could do. And we found this coin, one of the first three American Silver Dollars issued for the Olympics: the 1983 Dollar issued for the Olympics held in Los Angeles, in Proof condition, we think it's good value considering what some of the countries are going to charge.
This is a fantastic set for the United States Civil War 1861-1865. Yes, it was fought about slavery and yes, there are some remnants of the old South still around. But please remember it was a historical event in a historic time and in this case the good guys won. As the reverse of each medallion states in large letters ‘Abolition of Slavery’. This set is very special We know you will enjoy it. The South wanted slavery and so they seceded from the North. It was a bloody war of brother against brother. It changed much but also left many with scars. This set is magnificent! Five crownsized medallions that have been gold plated with several surprises. On the reverse of each medal there is a facing portrait of Abraham Lincoln. He fought for peace and died for peace. You have full colour renditions of battles, soldier fighting soldier, both flags going into battle. On one you have a most moving portrait of Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant. The collection comes in a handsome metal case where you can vary the thickness of the inner display by just removing some of the padding. It is a fantastic set from the packaging on up wards.
This is a coin that we have never seen, and as such may well be Rare. A silver proof crown to celebrate Prince William’s 21st birthday in 2003, nothing unusual there, but… the denomination is 4000 Kwacha, it was issued by Zambia and H.M. the Queen is on the obverse. Well to make it even stranger Prince William is riding a jet ski. It is from our famous hoard of unknown crowns, this one is certainly ‘unusual’ to say the least. Proof Sterling Silver and it comes in a capsule. William is most likely to be a future King, which makes this crown even more interesting.