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We currently offer a wide range of exclusive deals for you to take advantage of. However, please be aware that the prices are subject to change without prior notice. Don't miss out on the opportunity to snag a great deal while supplies last. Some of these items are selling fast at these discounted prices, and there is limited stock available for certain products. This could be your last chance to purchase them.

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Picture of Romania, Olympic Ice Skaters

Romania, Olympic Ice Skaters

This handsome Silver Proof crown or 100 Lei was issued by Romania for the Winter Olympics held in Nagano Japan in 1998. It was the 18th Winter Olympics. The crown depicts a man and a woman ice dancing, with date and number of the Olympiad on one side. The other side has the Olympic flame and the arms of Romania. Each Sterling Silver Proof 100 Lei comes in a protective capsule and is gleaming Proof condition. We believe it to be a relatively low mintage coin, as the Winter Olympics do not have as much interest as the Summer Olympics. As some mints are charging up to £88 for a silver proof crown, our price for this coin is most reasonable.
£39.50 £29.50
Russia, Nicholas I Patina 1825 Silver_obv

Russia, Nicholas I Patina 1825 Silver

This is a Patina or retro-pattern to show you what Russian coins could have looked like. You have the bareheaded bust of Czar Nicholas I and retro dated 1825. We believe the final mintage in Proof Sterling Silver was something like 300 pieces. You have Nicholas’ bust on one side and crowned double headed eagle on the reverse. The workmanship is superb, finer than on the Russian attempt. Choice Proof condition, struck in Sterling Silver and with a very low mintage, what more could you ask for? How about a special price? Well this price is special! We are not sure how much they were selling for, but we have just 38 pieces available for sale. You would expect to pay £80-£100 for something like this. How about £48.50? But there are only 38 pieces available.
Saint Helena/Ascension, 50 Pence (Crown) 1953-2003 Proof_obv

Saint Helena/Ascension, 50 Pence (Crown) 1953-2003

Saint Helena/Ascension Silver Proof 50p 1953-2003 Crown
£37.50 £32.50
Set of 3 Uganda Crowns with Bears_obv

Set of 3 Uganda Crowns with Bears

Each of these beautifully silvered 100 Shillings was issued in 2010. On one side they have the arms of Uganda and on the reverse a full-colour photo of a Man Eating Bear! We had never even seen these coins until Phil bought this small group. They are extra big and look like solid silver but in fact, are silver-plated. Each comes in a large-sized protective capsule, so you can see both sides of the coin. You get the Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear and Black Bear, which we think is the complete set. These are so large and beautiful that when you lay them out together it is most impressive. You can own all three extra large silvered crowns for a special price. At this price we hope you are impressed, Britain’s Coin Shop has done it again.
£26.95 £14.95
Silver Drachm of Parion 6th Century B.C. Very Fine_obv

Silver Drachm of Parion 6th Century B.C. Very Fine

Founded in 709 B.C., the ancient city of Parion is the present day town of Kemer in Turkey. The image of the Gorgoneion was used to ward off evil and so was put on this silver Drachm made in Parion in the 6th Century B.C. We have two grades, Fine & Very Fine, a fascinating charm, 2500 years ago and now.
£89.50 £74.50
South Africa, George VI, Crown 1952 Choice Unc_obv

South Africa, George VI, Crown 1952 Choice Unc

Because of World War II the only Silver Crown issued for King George VI in this country was his Coronation issue of 1937. But South Africa issued Silver crowns for this monarch from 1947 until he died in 1952. This is the last George VI Silver Crown ever to be issued. This 1952 South African Silver Crown is also very special, as it is South Africa’s first-ever commemorative coin. It was issued for the 300th Anniversary of the founding of Cape Town. On the reverse is a wonderful old sailing ship and the dates 1652-1952. Struck in 500 fine Silver, the examples that we have on offer are in Choice Brilliant Uncirculated condition, which is about as fine a quality as you can get. A friend in South Africa says that there are no crowns available there, so perhaps our offer is even just a little bit better.
£59.50 £49.50
Picture of Spain, 5 Pesetas Alfonso XII King 1875-6

Spain, 5 Pesetas Alfonso XII King 1875-6

Silver crown-sized 5 pesetas with a portrait of Alfonso XII dated between 1875-6
£39.50 £29.50
Picture of Spain, 5 pesetas, Alfonso XII, 1877-81. Fine or better

Spain, 5 pesetas, Alfonso XII, 1877-81. Fine or better

Silver crown-sized 5 pesetas of Alfonso XII with Portuguese titles. Dated between 1877-81
£39.50 £29.50
Picture of Spain, 5 pesetas, Provisional Government, 1870. Fine or better

Spain, 5 pesetas, Provisional Government, 1870. Fine or better

Silver crown-sized 5 pesetas issued only in 1870
£49.50 £37.50