We currently offer a wide range of exclusive deals for you to take advantage of. However, please be aware that the prices are subject to change without prior notice. Don't miss out on the opportunity to snag a great deal while supplies last. Some of these items are selling fast at these discounted prices, and there is limited stock available for certain products. This could be your last chance to purchase them.
This set of coins and note for King George VI can only be bought from Coincraft because we made them up. You get a full set of King George VI (father of Elizabeth II) coins: farthing, halfpenny, penny, brass threepence, silver threepence, sixpence, shilling, florin and halfcrown. Plus a British Military Pound Note, issued after World War Two, all in a handsome information folder. Remember, the last George VI coin was stuck in 1952 that is 72 years ago, they are almost antique. We are very proud of this set/collection because we had a hand in making them up. We are going to offer this for a limited time at a special price. Normally £18.50 but for a limited time only just £15.00 and you can get one only from Coincraft!
This is a most unusual Sterling Silver Proof Crown. Not that it honours the 50th anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation, but the country that issued it, the African nation of Ghana. You have a youthful portrait of the Queen on one side and a more mature portrait of the Queen on the other side. The denomination is 500 Sika and it has the Ghana coat of arms on it. Most unusual and if you want something no one else has, then this is it. A very limited number of these coins in stock, once they are gone they are gone…
Founded in 709 B.C., the ancient city of Parion is the present-day town of Kemer in Canakkale province of Turkey. It was a major coastal city and trading port with two harbours. Parion enjoyed strong relations with Thrace and Anatolia throughout history and it was the main customs station through which all goods bound for Constantinople (Istanbul) from Greece and the Aegean had to pass. After being conquered by the Persian Empire in the 6th Century B.C. it passed to Lysimachus in the 4th Century B.C. and then the Attalids in the 3rd. From one tyrant to another! A local city-coinage system was introduced by the ancient Greeks and continued through to Roman times with later coins being issued in the name of the emperor. The image of the Gorgoneion was used to ward off evil and for that reason was put on door frames, shields, and of course, on coins! We have recently bought a small collection of archaic Silver Drachm made in this city in the 5th Century B.C.. The obverse shows the facing head of a Gorgoneion with a protruding tongue and the reverse depicts a disorganized linear pattern within an incuse square. The coins are all in a Fine condition as they were used at the time and have survived from 2400 years ago! But they are a fascinating charm to ward off evil, then and now. Add this ancient coin to your collection. Priced to please!
Béla was the only son of Duke Álmos, the younger brother of King Coloman of Hungary. Álmos devised several plots to dethrone his brother and in retaliation, according to one version of events, Coloman deprived Álmos of his duchy and also gave orders that the infant Béla should be castrated but the man who was instructed to blind them feared God and the sterility of the royal line, and therefore he castrated a dog and brought its testicles to the King! Álmos died in exile in 1127 and Coloman’s only son Stephen died in 1131 leaving Béla as the legitimate heir to the throne. Béla’s blindness prevented him from administering his kingdom without assistance and he appears to have regarded his wife Helena as co-ruler assisted by her brother Beloš. Béla’s reign was short at only 10 years, these silver denars were one of the few coins issued during his reign. They have a large cross on one side with crescents and pellets in the angles and a small cross within two circles on the reverse.
The discovery of Iceland, according to medieval sources, took place in the second half of the 9th century A.D. when Norwegians on their way to the Faroes were driven off course and came upon an unknown land further to the west. There they found Irish Christian hermits who left soon after the Norsemen arrived. On the 1100th anniversary of the settlement, the Central Bank of Iceland issued commemorative coins to mark the occasion. The coins were designed by an Icelandic artist but struck at the Royal Mint in the UK. The two coins in this set are the 1000 Kronur showing two Norsemen beside a large fire and the 500 Kronur depicting a woman leading a cow by her side. The reverse of both coins shows Iceland’s guardian spirits, a bull, a bird, a dragon and a giant. A beautiful pair of large-size Sterling silver proof coins in the case of issue, now 50 years old but as perfect as the day they were struck.
If you are looking for an affordable Indian gold coin then look no further. These tiny ‘fanams’ are just the thing! From Southern India, showing a stylised boar standing right and on the reverse a stylised lion standing right with a crescent above, also referred to as asardula, a popular motif in Indian art, weighing around 0.35 to 0.4 grams with a diameter of around 7mm. Beautiful little gold coins at an affordable price!
Robert of Anjou, known as Robert the Wise, was King of Naples from 1309-1343 and was a central figure of Italian politics at the time. He was born around 1276, the third son of King Charles II of Naples and Mary of Hungary. After the death of his elder brother, Charles Martel of Anjou in 1295, Robert, became heir to the crown of Naples. These silver coins issued in his name between 1309-1317 are known as Gigliato because of the lilies (Giglio in Italian) depicted on the reverse entwined around a cross. It was a coin of .929 fine silver weighing 4 grams and was first introduced by Charles II in 1303. It became the dominant silver coin of its time and was very similar to the French Gros and the English Groat in size and weight. The obverse shows Robert enthroned facing holding a sceptre and cruciger with the legend +ROBЄRT DЄI GRA IЄRL ЄT SICIL RЄX around. A fantastic coin now over 700 years old and well preserved. Limited availability